Types of Treadmills: Commercial Use Treadmill
Cosco cX6
Commercial treadmill bought for personal use at home,single user, aux/usb port with speakers available for listening to songs
Product is in good condition and easy to use
Lifeline LFT1000 Manual Treadmill Treadmill
New condition not a single fault just brough and hadn’t used it for more than 2 days
Welcare All-In one Treadmill
Homework out all-in one treadmill Has 12 speed walking and running limit with heart rate sensons. Comes with built in massager and 4LB set dumbles. Has AUX connection for in-built speakers. Massager comes with 3 modes and stretchers are built in as well. Bought in 2018 and regular service done by Welcare technicians. No problem … Read more
Viva Tredmill long Running Deck
Shock absorbers for knee support In good and working condition 10+ fat programs
Almost new Automatic Motor treadmill with Max weight 110kg, Max speed 14.8 km/hr
Almost new Automatic Motor treadmill with Max weight 110kg, Max speed 14.8 km/hr
Powermax Fitness MFT-410-4 in 1 Multifunction Manual with Jogger, Stepper, Twister & PushUp Bar Treadmill
On a manual treadmill, the action of your feet against the deck moves the belt. The belt only moves if you move it. Both runners and walkers expend more effort on a flat belt non-motorized treadmill than on a motorized treadmill. This has fitness benefits as users can get their heart rates into a higher … Read more
Domyos T540c Treadmill
The product is used very less.
Sparnod STC 7000 purchased directly from OEM dealer on 20th April 2021, rarely used by one senior citizen in an apartment. Smart TV monitor, Wi-Fi, built-in fitness programs, heart rate sensor, USB, Bluetooth, inclination etc.
POWERMAX Treadmill
Product in excellent scratchless condition. Original Bill available. Properly cleaned and oiled.